Calculate a Bet

Bettors and Bookies use the Bet Calculator to figure out stakes and returns for a variety of bets. Doubles and trebles calculator, accumulators, and permutations up to 20 selections. The doubles and trebles calculator a bet is a good place to start exploring the more complex bets.

Calculate a Bet UK

The Free Bet Calculator is the most popular online sports betting calculator in the world. It is used by both bookmakers and punters. Calculate a bet with the Bet Calculator works out all types of bets.

What do the betting calculator odds imply?

The odds, which can be displayed in decimals or fractions, show the possibility of something happening and thus the expected return on a wager. For example, odds of 4-1 indicate a 1 in 5 probability (4+1) of something happening, with a return of £5 (£4 profit) on a £1 wager.

Doubles and Trebles Calculator

You can choose from a variety of different bet types to make your ideal stake at the races. If you’re not sure what you want to wager on a Lucky 15 Bet on Horses is one of the more popular bets.

What is an accumulator?

An accumulator comprises four or more selections in one bet. All of the selections must win to guarantee a return.

What is an each-way bet?

An each-way bet is a two-part wager in which half of the money is placed on the winner and the other half on the place. The stake is double that of a winning bet, and if the selection wins or is put, the stake is returned.

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What are the best Fractional or Decimal Betting Odds?

Do you prefer fractional or decimal odds when working out bets with the bet calculator?

Although the use of decimals has increased dramatically in recent years, the majority of horse racing spectators still prefer to view the odds for the runners and riders using fractions. Whether it’s a doubles and trebles calculator or any other bet.

When you calculate a bet the idea works on the simple premise that you can calculate your total profits by multiplying a stake by the decimal displayed. For instance, you would receive a return of £4 if you wagered £1 on a horse with odds of 4.00.

The usage of decimals may appear to be extremely straightforward in that regard, but it is important to keep in mind that it offers up one key distinction over the use of fractional odds. When using decimal odds, your stake is always taken into account when calculating your return; however, this is not the case when using the fraction approach. Regarding the latter, if you bet £1 on odds of 4/1, you’d win £4 and get your money back, making a total of £5.

As a result, the fraction enables you to calculate your earnings, but you must also take into account the fact that you will also receive your bet back.

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How are the odds betcalcultor determined?

Calculate a bet and the likelihood of something happening is used to calculate bets. If the bet is priced at 4-1, the odds are computed as 1 / (4+1) = 0.2, indicating that there is a 20% probability of the event occurring. By multiplying the stake by the odds, the bet return is computed.

Calculate a bet – A single bet is usually simple to calculate, the doubles and trebles calculator, and multiple bets should be calculated using the free betting calculator.

The winner of a horse race?

The betsolver works out horse racing wagers in the same way as any other wager: the amount is multiplied by the chances. Horse racing bets on the Tote, on the other hand, are computed by dividing the pool’s total value evenly among the winning stakes.

bet calculator. doubles and trebles calculator, calculate a bet, betsolver

Calculate a bet of any type with the Bet Solver

Single Bet Calculator

A single is one bet on a selection. Your selection must be successful to have a return. Simple and popular bet.

Double Calculator

A double is one bet on 2 selections in different events. Both selections must be successful to have a return.

Treble Calculator

A treble is one bet on 3 selections in different events. All three selections must be successful to have a return.

Trixie Calculator

A Trixie consists of four bets on three selections in different events, i.e. 3 doubles and 1 treble. A £1 Trixie costs £4.

Patent Calculator

A patent consists of seven bets on three selections in different events i.e. 3 singles, 3 doubles, and 1 treble.

Fourfold Accumulator

A four-fold accumulator is one bet on four selections in different events. All four selections must be successful to have a return.

Fivefold Accumulator

A five-fold accumulator is one bet on five selections in different events. All five selections must be successful to have a return.

Yankee BetCalcultor

A Yankee bet consists of eleven bets on four selections in different events i.e. 6 doubles, 4 trebles, and 1 four-fold accumulator. A £1 Yankee has a total stake of £11.

Lucky 15

A Lucky 15 bet consists of 15 separate bets. 4 singles, 6 doubles, 4 trebles, and 1 fourfold accumulator. One winning selection will guarantee a return. Bet Calculator Lucky 15

bet calculator. doubles and trebles calculator, calculate a bet, betsolver

Lucky 31 Bet Calculator

Like the bet calculator Lucky 15, A Lucky 31 bet is made up of five selections and involves 31 individual lines, ensuring it is a full coverage bet. You only need to have one winner on your bet to see some return on the initial investment.

Canadian/Super Yankee

A Canadian/Super Yankee consists of twenty-six bets on five selections in different events i.e., 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 four-folds, and 1 five-fold. A £1 Canadian/Super Yankee has a total stake of £26.

Heinz Bet Calculator

A Heinz consists of fifty-seven bets on six selections 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds, and an accumulator. A £1 Heinz has a total stake of £57.

Super Heinz

A Super Heinz consists of one hundred and twenty bets on seven selections, 21 doubles, 35 trebles, 35 four-folds, 21 five-folds, 7 six-folds, and an accumulator. A £1 Super Heinz has a total stake of £120. Work out a Super Heinz bet with the free betting calculator. More bets on the bet calculator

Sure and Value Betting

Outsmart the bookmakers at their own game by finding profitable odds where you have the edge. There are 2 different methods, Sure Bets and Value Bets. When you subscribe you will access both or use the 14-Day Free Trial

bet calculator. doubles and trebles calculator, calculate a bet, betsolver

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Summary of how to Calculate a bet with the free Betting Calculator?

If you’re looking to calculate your potential winnings, you won’t find an easier way to do so than the betting calculator, on this page you’ll be able to find the full functionality of the calculator while on our specific pages for each bet, you’ll only be able to find that bet type. To calculate a bet

Step 1: Select the bet type that you wish to calculate from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Select whether or not your bet is an “Each Way Bet”. This will be shown on your bet slip and has to be selected by the bettor. The same applies to ‘Dead Heat’ and ‘Rule 4’. If you wish to learn more about these terms, check out our betting guides.

Step 3: Select the correct format for your odds, these will either be Decimal or Fractional, this is a step you must do before inputting any odds.

Step 4: Add your total stake to the calculator

Step 5: Input the odds from your bet slip into the calculator and view your potential winnings. Each odds section will have a win, lost, void, or placed, select the right outcome for each bet, the placed option will only appear if you have selected an each-way bet.

What Bets will I Need to Calculate a bet For?

When it comes to the betting calculator, some of the most complex bets are multiple bets, such as Lucky 15-63’s and Yankee bets. These are bets where you can win without having all of your bets come through, so you may see two bets win or even a one-winner consolation payout which reduces the loss of your bet.

These bets often see your stake multiplied by a number which will be used as your total stake and determine the potential payout of your bet. It is possible to calculate the odds in your head; however, if you have access to a bet calculator, it is significantly easier to calculate your potential winnings from every bet you place.

How many selections can I add to the bet calculator?

The biggest accumulator that can be created on Bet UK is a 12-fold accumulator, which means that up to 12 selections can be added, to add more selections, click the add button. It is recommended for your first usage, to test out different bet types with four selections to get the hang of the widget.

You can input odds at different formats, input your total stake, and go through the multiple options available to you. For example, with four selections, you would be able to choose between 4 singles, 2 doubles, or 1 four-fold accumulator. Once you’ve added in additional information such as free bets and your type of bet, your bet returns will be calculated.

What is the formula when you calculate a bet?

Depending on the odds format you use, the way a bet is calculated is different. Different odds formats are calculated in different ways, for example, decimal odds at 5.0 show that for every £1 you put on the bet, £5 would be your total return, which means £4 profit. 5/1 is Fractional betting odds and this means that for every £1 you would put on, you would get £5 back.

How are cash-out bets calculated?

The cash-out feature in online gambling can be extremely valuable if used correctly. However, this can’t be used for just any wager, a sportsbook determines prices on a variety of factors and whether or not something could happen immediately to change the price. For example, when a game is in play, you will see your cash-out odds change by the second, this is due to the position of the ball on the pitch and the likelihood that the next spell of play could alter your bet.

Live betting allows sportsbooks to be efficient with the odds they suggest, as live odds give you options for live games, and the cash-out options will also vary accordingly.

This works differently with outright bets, your cash-out value will likely stay the same for a long period, then during a game, it will be suspended. Calculate a bet once the game that was in play has concluded, and then your cash options will re-open, this is due to the fact that outright markets tend to close during a fixture.

What types of odds can a betting calculator handle?

The betting calculator utilises the Decimal and Fractional odds methods. American odds are extremely rare in the United Kingdom and therefore aren’t included when you Calculate a bet. The bet calculator is designed to handle these different types of odds, ensuring a high-quality experience for our users who can input their preferred odds format and perform accurate calculations based on their chosen format.

Can a betting calculator calculate a bet and the implied probability?

A betting calculator will never give you the precise percentage you have of winning a bet. However, what it will do is help you read the implied probability of betting odds. Enter your odds into a betting calculator and it will automatically give you the payout. Entering £1 as a stake gives you the best idea of how each bet works.

For example, if you input decimal odds of 2.50 into the calculator, it will determine that the implied probability of that bet winning is 40% (1 divided by 2.50). Similarly, if you input fractional odds of 3/1, the calculator will calculate the implied probability as 25% (1 divided by (3+1).

Can the betting calculator handle complex bet combinations, such as parlays or accumulators?

Yes, it has an accumulator set up for every type of bet, so no matter what you’re looking to place a bet and then calculate your odds, you’ll be able to do so.

Can a bet calculator be used for in-play or live betting?

Yes! However, with live betting, please beware that the betting odds will consistently change over the course of a game if you’re live betting on a football game.

It is highly likely that in the time it takes you to input your betting odds to the calculator, the odds have changed, so we do not recommend using it while you bet live, more so after you have placed the bet, then you can add the content to our odds calculator with your single bet or multiples bets.

Odds Checker

Calculate each way bet

Football odds calculator

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